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Commitment to Sustainability

What is sustainable development in tourism?

It is the balance between environmental, economic and sociocultural aspects in the development of tourism to ensure its long-term sustainability.


The sustainable development of tourism includes:


* Make optimal use of environmental resources that are a fundamental element of tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources and biological diversity.


* Respect the sociocultural authenticity of the host communities, preserve their cultural heritage as a whole (architectural) and their traditional values ​​and contribute to intercultural understanding and tolerance.


* Ensure viable long-term economic activities that provide well-distributed socio-cultural benefits to all stakeholders, including stable employment and income opportunities and social services for host communities, and contribute to the reduction of poverty.



(World Tourism Organization -OMT, 2004)



How does Travelscol contribute to sustainable development?

Travelscol has established a set of policies, programs and guidelines to contribute to sustainability in tourism. Here are some guidelines:


Sustainability policy

Travelscol is a company committed to sustainable development, which respects the natural and cultural heritage of each country, promoting with customers, suppliers and employees responsible practices with the environment, local communities and cultural heritage. It also supports the economic development of the region where it operates and the destinations it markets.


Travelscol contribution to economic sustainability


* Travelscol generates around 5 direct jobs in the city of Manizales, giving its employees all the legal benefits and job stability.


* Travelscol rejects all types of discrimination in hiring personnel. There are no prejudices by gender, race, economic condition or sexual orientation.


* Travelscol mobilizes around 80 passengers monthly, which support the economic development of the destinations they visit.


Campaign against the illicit traffic of cultural goods


Travelscol promotes responsible practices to avoid the traffic of cultural goods, informing clients and suppliers how to apply them.



Travelscol rejects the commercialization and illicit traffic of cultural goods.


Law 397 of 1997 (Partially regulated by National Decrees 833 of 2002, 763, 2941 of 2009, 1100 of 2014), Archaeological heritage, cultural patrimony of the nation and protection of goods of cultural interest.

Law 1185 of 2008 "General Law of Culture".


Campaign against illicit trafficking in flora and fauna

Wild fauna and flora constitute an irreplaceable element of the natural systems of the earth. Travelscol promotes responsible practices for its protection and to avoid illicit trafficking, informing clients and suppliers how to apply them.



Travelscol supports Law 17 of 1981, Resolution 1367 of 2000 against the commercialization and trafficking of species of wild fauna and flora.


Campaign against the sexual exploitation of minors

Travelscol rejects any type of abuse and sexual exploitation of minors. Therefore, it has established a code of conduct promoting responsible practices in the sale of tourist services:




It also promotes practices and clients to avoid and denounce the sexual exploitation of minors.


Social campaigns

Travelscol supports the development of programs that benefit Caldas communities


Join the commitment to sustainable development in tourism!

Travels Colombia

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