Popayan, is a Colombian city, capital of the department of Cauca, this is located in the valley of Pubenza, between the Cordillera Occidental and Central West of the country. Its land area is 512 km², its average altitude is 1760 m above sea level, its annual rainfall of 1,941 mm, the average temperature of 14/19 ° C and is approximately 600 km from Bogotá. It is one of the oldest and best preserved cities of America, which is reflected in its architecture and religious traditions.
In 2005, UNESCO designated the city of Popayan as Unesco City of Gastronomy for its variety and meaning for the intangible heritage of Colombians. The caucana kitchen was selected to maintain their traditional methods of preparation through the oral tradition. The September 28, 2009 Processions Semana Santa Popayán were declared by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
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